“Not Everyone Is Happy When God Has His Way”
How in the world could someone be upset seeing God do what only God can do in such a way that His power, grace, kindness & love are on full display? Why would anyone choose to be angry with that? What would cause someone to refuse to rejoice only to then become bitter & get all bent out of shape?
As sad as it is, it’s really quite simple. They’re locked up in a self-made prison of ignorance, hardness of heart & a refusal to be pleased with what pleases God.
No matter the opposition & regardless of that which others may think, say or do, you & I can & should be happy about whatever it is that makes God happy!
The paralyzed man’s healing calls us to …
1. seek to see everything from God’s point of view.
The same event can appear two totally different ways depending on who’s looking.
John 5:1-10
2. be grateful & bold in light of God’s healing in every way.
One of the best things we can do when it comes to sharing our faith
is to clearly tell others about the difference God has made in our lives.
John 5:11-15
Making It Real
1] Do you already do this? If not, will you ask God for the grace to do so?
2] What can you do to cultivate more gratitude & boldness in your life?
Action Step
Write out what you think might have been something that the formerly paralyzed
beggar would have said in attempting to put his testimony in writing.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page July 31, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com